When buying a domain name from us, the first step in the process is making payment. Once payment is confirmed, then we can move on to transferring the domain name to your account.
We offer three options for making payment:
For security and privacy reasons, we do not take payments through this website and don't accept credit cards over the phone.
Please note that you are responsible for any transaction fees associated with making your purchase. Fees for the respective options as described below and on the websites of the transaction providers.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Pay via Escrow.com
Escrow.com is the vendor we recommend using for most domain name transactions. The main advantage to using Escrow.com is that they not only handle your payment, but they also act as an escrow agent* to provide extra end-to-end transaction security.
Process: The webpage How Escrow.com Works provides a good description of the Escrow.com process. Once the transaction is initiated (either by clicking a 'Buy Now' button on this site or by manually starting one), you will need to make payment.
Once Escrow.com confirms they have your funds, we will proceed with the domain transfer. Please note that while Escrow.com monitors the transfer, they do not handle the actual transfer themselves. We must still work together as Buyer and Seller to complete the transfer through our respective Registrars. However, Escrow.com will monitor the transfer and confirm that it has been completed as expected.
Service levels: Escrow.com offers two levels of service - Standard and Concierge. You will need to choose which one you want to use. The main differences have to do with which payment methods are accepted and what fee they charge. Concierge level supports more payment options, but costs more.
Payment methods: Escrow.com accepts most payment methods, such as wire transfers, credit cards, Paypal, checks, etc. The options vary based on the service level you choose. Details can be found here and here. We should note that because they are in the business of transaction security, Escrow.com can be sticklers about your payment method.
Fees: Buyer will be responsible for all Escrow.com fees. Please use their fee calculator to calculate your expected fees.
Since Escrow.com fees change from time to time, please do not rely on the fee information provided here -- please visit Escrow.com's website for the latest information.
* In case you are unfamiliar with what an escrow agent does, their job is to ensure that both parties to a transaction meet their obligations. For you as the Buyer, that means they confirm that you receive your domain name in exchange for funds paid. For us as the Seller, they ensure that we get paid (but only after you've received your domain name).
Pay via Paypal
Paypal is a good option for many Buyers because it is often cheaper than Escrow.com and many people already have accounts there. We are happy to use Paypal for any transaction. It is a very simple and quick way to make payment.
Process: You can send us funds directly to us at Paypal and/or we can send you an invoice and then you can make payment against that. The total amount due will be for the agreed price of your domain name, plus applicable transaction fees as described below. Once funds are confirmed in our account, we will proceed with the domain name transfer.
Payment methods: Paypal balance, Paypal credit balance, and credit cards. Please visit Paypal.com for more information.
Fees: Buyer will be responsible for all Paypal transaction fees. Since Paypal deducts the fees on our end of the transaction, a fee of 5.00% will be added as a surcharge on top of the agreed domain name purchase price.
Pay via Check or Wire Transfer
You can also pay us directly using a check or wire transfer denominated in US dollars.
Process: We'll provide you with our bank details, then you can send us the funds. Once funds are confirmed in our account, we'll move ahead with the domain name transfer.
Payment methods: Check or wire transfer.
Fees: None if payment is made in US dollars.