Thank you for your domain name purchase

Next Step: Coordinate Transfer of Your Domain Name

Thank you for purchasing your domain name. Once we confirm your payment, the next step is to transfer the domain name to your registrar account.

Please be sure to contact us via this form or direct email to ensure this process gets underway as quickly as possible.

There are 2 main domain name transfer options:

  1. If you have an account with, we can 'push' the domain name into your account. We will need for you to tell us your account email and account number.
  2. If you want the name transferred to any other Registrar, you will need to initiate the transfer at your end with your Registrar.

Either transfer mechanism will work and we stand ready to implement whichever method you prefer.

Visit this page for more information on domain name transfers.

To get the transfer underway, please complete this form. Or if you prefer, you can email this information to us at

Submit This Form To Initiate Domain Transfer